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A Step into the Unknown

Linda Saleh

Many of us are having a re-think about life after Covid-19. So much has changed. So many of our day to day activities and interactions are now different. And work? Well if you’re a business owner manager, that’s changed completely.

As a result, many business owners are planning to do things differently. Financial arrangements have already changed beyond recognition. But maybe you’re now thinking of spending less (or more) time at the office permanently? Maybe cutting some staff or processes? Maybe changing the way you approach your customers?

Don’t forget that you’re not the only one thinking of making changes at work.

This crisis has affected every single one of us. And everybody’s experience is different. So some of your employees will also be considering their futures and whether your offering is still a good fit for them. A recent study found that 25% of people are currently considering major career changes.

If, by making changes in your business, all you’re doing is protecting your own personal interests, it’s unlikely you’ll bring your employees along with you on your change journey. They won’t be motivated if the changes don’t align with their newly identified values and aspirations. There are still recruitment opportunities for talented individuals. So, don’t be surprised to find that it will be your BEST workers that will leave you if your changes are out of step with their needs.

I’ve written before about the increased requirement for two-way communication with your team members during this time, especially if they are working remotely. I’ve also explained the present need to have appraisal reviews to give feedback on performance.

Now, it’s even more crucial to also find out what your employees are thinking. Ask questions. Are they looking to be more creative at work? Are they looking to re-train in a different area? Will they be prepared to resume their commute? Are they thinking of re-locating? And don’t be afraid of asking how changes in their partner’s working arrangements, or the age/health of their family members is affecting their thoughts and plans.

Business owner managers now have a massive opportunity to embrace the creative aspirations and hunger for learning being unleashed in employees. If you can provide the development opportunities people are seeking the company can accelerate into a spectacular leap and the future can be better for everyone.

If you would like to find out how a few small steps for management can create a giant leap for your business contact today.

Further reading:



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